Comme se déroule une journée type?

Les écoles ont des emplois du temps differents qui sont aussi adaptés selon les ages des élèves, mais en gros, une journée type en pensionnat anglais ressemble à cela:
7.00 Wake-up bells Get up, shower and dress in uniform.
7.45 Breakfast Held in school dining hall, with a good choice of food from the breakfast buffet.
8.30 House meeting Notices and announcements and register.
8.45 Chapel Hymns, prayers, and a short address from the school chaplain. Usually compulsory, although some schools allow exemptions if requested.
9.00 Lessons begin Three lessons, each lasting 40 minutes (eg mathematics, English, geography).
11.00 Break
11.20 Lessons Two lessons (eg double science).
12.40 Lunch Lunch in dining hall – many hot dishes (including vegetarian options), salad, baked potatoes, cold meats and fish, and dessert. Usually very lively with a buzz of conversation and discussion about the afternoon’s activities.
13.15 Activities There are so many to choose from – orchestra practice, private music lesson, play rehearsal, clubs, extra English lessons for international students, etc.
14.00 Lessons Two 40-minute lessons
15.30 House Change into sports kit.
15.45 Sport Winter term – football, hockey, rugby, netball, squash, badminton, etc. Spring and summer terms – cricket, tennis, swimming, athletics, etc.
17.30 House Wash or shower, change clothes.
18.00 Supper Taken in dining hall (a selection of hot and cold dishes, including many healthy-eating options, plus fruit and desserts).
18.30 Clubs/activities
19.30 Prep in houses Homework, supervised by houseparents or prefects.
20.00 Prep break
20.10 Prep continues
21.00 Free time After another roll call, it’s time to relax! You can chat with your friends, watch TV, play table tennis, snooker, etc.
22.00 Bedtime Time to go to your room and get ready for bed.
22.30 Lights out Go to sleep – it’s another busy day tomorrow!
* International students at a traditional boarding school will usually follow the main school timetable. However, when the UK students study another language (eg French), the international pupils will have extra English language classes. They may also have English lessons during the lunch break or in the evening.